Sunday, April 08, 2007

I Believe!!
. I believe I deserve a miracle, only if I stop seeing it as a one!
. I believe we all are alone, only those who allow it, feel lonely!
. I believe the very high moments I have during surgery, deserves all the effort!

. I believe everyone can love, and anyone can be loved....but twice together? for the same person??
. I believe I can be a good 40 if I stop wasting my 30s on thinking of it!

. I believe we all become the best ourselves when we feel we don't have to!
. I believe I can accompany myself through it all!

. I believe a kid laugh in a day is more joy than I can ever dream of for myself!
. I believe every sad fearful moment I had in my life actually reminds me that my present pain will end... cause the space has to be emptied for new ones!
. I believe one can lead, but after spending sometime in following and spending some other time in being good at it!
. I believe everything doesn't have to be ok!
. I believe it's not about winning and loosing, it's about being smart enough to enjoy the game anyway!!
. I believe living without a child must be for a very good reason!!

To be continued

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